Nanocellulose End Users Guide and Perspectives Set

Both By Jack Miller
These reports are the product of extensive primary and secondary research by author Jack Miller and include more than 60 interviews by phone and email, as well as discussions with researchers and producers.
Nanocellulose: Producers, Products, and Applications A Guide for End Users
Designed for end users and processors, provides an in-depth description of the various cellulose nanomaterials, highlights the state of the industry, and details the offerings of various suppliers, including more than 50 Profiles, many with product specifications
Nanocellulose Challenges and Opportunities: End User Perspectives
Designed for producers, was developed to explore the commercial and technical challenges holding end users back from full commercialization, The book features insights from end users including a Survey of 40 end users and input from the End User Panel 2017 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, plus a Bonus Appendix with highlights from the 2018 End User Panel.
Together, the two books form a complete set, and provide an in-depth study of the market for cellulose nanomaterials, competitive landscape, opportunities and challenges, and insight into the road ahead, state of the industry, with critical insights for producers, processors, and end users
Published by TAPPI Press 2018.
Featuring a Bonus Appendix with highlights from the End User Panel at the 2018 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials.
View Table of Contents, End User Guide
View Table of Contents, End User Perspectives
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