Case History for Burning Dilute Noncondensible Gases In a Recovery Boiler: Decisions, Implementation, and Other Operatioins, 1998 Engineering Conference Proceedings
The Alabama Pine Pulp Company pulp mill in Claiborne, Alabama was built approximately eight years ago. As a part of the project, both dilute and strong noncondensible gases, as well as stripper overhead gases, were collected and incinerated. At that time, it was decided to incinerate the dilute NCG in the recovery boiler. This is still to date one of the few installations incinerating NCG in the recovery boiler in North America. This paper discusses the considerations that affect the decision to inject these gases into the recovery boiler versus the other options available (e.g., power boiler, lime kiln, dedicated incinerator). Design considerations for safety and performance are also reviewed along with the actual operating history of the system and its effects on the recovery boiler.