Constructed Wetlands for Compensatory Mitigation for Landfill Expansion, 1994 Environmental Conference Proceedings

Theodore M. Frostman, James Weinbauer, F. Andrew Gilbert

The expansion of the Consolidated Papers, Inc., Water Renewal Center landfill, required the removal of approximately six acres of low-quality wetland segments. The landfill expansion provides the opportunity for the placement of approximately 1.1 million yards of sludge, thus providing 16 years of additional disposal space. The initial step of the compensatory wetland mitigation program was to develop a functional-value matrix for various components of impacted wetland ecosystems. The characteristics evaluated were hydrologic and ecological factors including impacts on water quality, groundwater, storm/flood control and recreation/aesthetics. The impacted wetlands were ranked as low quality based on little vegetative types in different water depths and hydrologic characteristics. The functioning of these wetlands provided good water quality and both higher recreational and aesthetic values. The functional value of the constructed wetland indicates a high value wetland ecosystems.

Author: Frostman, T.M., Weinbauer, J., Gilbert, F.A.
Constructed Wetlands for Compensatory Mitigation for Landfil
Constructed Wetlands for Compensatory Mitigation for Landfill Expansion, 1994 Environmental Conference Proceedings

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