World In 2015, The: Four Possible Scenarios
Editor: Stuart Sharp, Chairman, The TAPPI Futurists
TAPPI Futurists explore the issues that may affect the world and the paper industry in 2015. Four possible scenarios are presented based on expert opinion, scanning and monitoring, and extrapolation of trends. Each scenario is a description of the way the paper industry and the world may look fifteen years from now, depending on the effects of various trends and issues. The book provides an opportunity for readers to think about the future and to plan and position themselves and their companies for what the future might hold.
The TAPPI Futurists is a group of TAPPI members whose purpose is to develop a long-term view of the paper industry to assist the Association in long range planning. This book was developed to provide a framework for readers to think strategically about the future. The book represents views and opinions of individuals from all segments of the pulp and paper industry, including manufacturers, suppliers, and customers. In addition, the Futurists worked with five non-paper industry companies to ensure that the scenarios would give a broad-based global view of the possible world fifteen years from now.
Postcards of the future:
* Scenario 1: 2015—A new world of openness and opportunity
* Scenario 2: Accelerating but not necessarily better change
* Scenario 3: World Paper, Inc.—A global company of the 21st century
* Scenario 4: Paper in a digital world
* The world where we live and work
* Emerging industry issues and opportunities
* Individual and family in 2015
1999. 72 pages, soft cover.