Guidelines for Safe Assessment and Operation of Yankee Dryers
Featured in TAPPI Press Virtual New Release Book Launch Party! Party Preview
A project of the Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee
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This book is an updated combination of Guidelines for Safety and Condition Assessment (1992) and Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Yankee Dryers (1995).
Safety is the responsibility of each dryer manufacturer and operator, and neither TAPPI nor the TAPPI volunteers who participated on this project assume any liability whatsoever for loss or damage resulting from any failure of the guidelines proposed in this resource to prevent injury or damage to persons or property resulting from Yankee dryer operations, inspection oversights or recommended techniques.
Topics Include:
- The Corporate Yankee Dryer Safety System
- Design differences: TAD, DC, MG, and hybrid
- Inspection Practices and Principles
- Operations Monitoring
- Protection Devices
- Repairs and Alterations
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Additional Resource:
TAPPI TIP 0425-01 provides guidelines for routine periodic inspection and testing of cylindrical pressure vessels made from gray cast iron (GCI) known as Yankee or MG dryers, used as rotating, steam-heated dryers in paper machines. The purpose of the technical information paper is not to provide detailed inspection procedures but to provide an industry wide “benchmark” on the scope and frequency of recommended inspections and tests giving the mill a better understanding so they can better: plan outages, evaluate contractors and identify & rectify problems.