More Than a Box: Box Plant 101 - Video
TAPPI PRESS in conjunction with Green Bay Packaging, is pleased to announce a new and improved interactive training video on How Boxes Are Made.
Learn the corrugated manufacturing process from seedling to box. This self-paced instructional video takes you through each stage for producing a quality box. This must have resource includes comprehension questions to ensure students learn and understand the process.
This video is recommended for new employee orientation as well as general promotion of the corrugated process.
This video includes a view of a typical box plant, how a quality box is made, an overview of the corrugator and review of materials handling.
Definitions and accompanying video clips including:
- Double face liner
- Medium (flute) and single face liner
- Single, Double and Triple Wall Corrugated Box
- Wet End and Dry End
- Five common flute sizes A-F
- Hot Plate Slitter, Scorer and Cut off knife
Purchase includes 10-day access to view video in TAPPI Learning Management System (LMS).
Site Licenses enable access for multiple learners. Contact TAPPI Press for more information.