Black Liquor Evaporation, eBook
Edited by: Jim Frederick and Niko DeMartini

Black Liquor Evaporation is the science, technology, and practice of successfully concentrating black liquor from weak liquor to firing concentrations. Black liquor is an important internal process stream in kraft pulping containing almost all the spent inorganic pulping chemicals along with wood components extracted during pulping. Four to five tons of water must be evaporated per air-dried ton of pulp produced.
Weak black liquor is collected as filtrate from brownstock washers at a dry solids content between 14 wt% and 18 wt%. In order for an evaporation plant to remove water from black liquor to be fired in a recovery boiler, the black liquor must be concentrated to between 65 wt% and 85 wt% dry solids content.
Content of the book includes:
• Introduction
• Kraft pulp and black liquor production worldwide
• Properties relevant to evaporation
• Evaporation Fundamentals
• Design principles and analysis for black liquor evaporation
• Auxiliary processes
• Scaling and fouling in black liquor evaporators
• Research needs in black liquor evaporation
• Terminology
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