Paper mill tackles material flow problem at hot lime bin, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, September 2002

Maintenance by sledge hammer? Not
any more, thanks to custom equipment.
Roger Barnum,
Project Engineer
Jenike & Johanson Inc.,
phone: 978-392-0300
Tom Brinson
Project Engineer
Weyerhaeuser Co./New Bern Mill
At Weyerhaeuser Co.’s New Bern, North Carolina mill, the
hot lime bin was plugged so often that the control room had to monitor
a surveillance camera view of the feeder discharge. The problem caused
maintenance and environmental problems and raised safety issues. New
Bern is a 1000 tons/day bleached pulp mill, and includes a 350 tons/day
Fuller kiln. Reburned lime is crushed as it exits the kiln, and is conveyed
to a bin with a temperature between 1000°F and 1500°F. Hot, reburned
lime is metered, with the addition of make-up fresh lime from a separate
bin, to an Ahlstrom slaker to begin recausticizing, based upon slaker
To address the problems with
maintaining reliable feed from the hot lime bin, the mill planned a joint
effort between an outside engineering firm and mill personnel. Jenike
& Johanson Inc., Westford, Massachusetts, USA, worked with a Weyerhaeuser
team made up of technical, operating and maintenance personnel. The project
involved the replacement of critical portions of the bin to improve material
Flow interruptions
The original hot lime bin had a small, square discharge opening
that was subject to frequent flow interruptions. Pneumatic vibrators were
not successful in maintaining flow. Workers could clear about half of
the pluggages by using high pressure air hoses connected to several locations
of the lower portion of the bin hopper; however, these air hoses caused
fine dust to escape from the feeder area. For the remainder of the pluggages,
the standard procedure was for operators to use a sledgehammer on the
side of the discharge neck, which was precarious due to equipment access.
When the pluggage cleared, additional dust escaped from the feeder area.
These pluggages required frequent clearing, which exposed operators to potential safety incidents. Additionally, the discharge of fine lime dust to the surrounding area was an environmental concern. The pluggages caused swings in slaker operation, which carried through the causticizers, resulting in inconsistent liquor quality. Control room personnel monitored a surveillance camera trained on the feeder discharge to prevent these problems.
Investigating the problem
The hot lime bin consisted of a 6705mm (22 ft.) diameter by 5486mm (18
ft.) tall cylinder section, followed by a 40° from vertical conical hopper
that reduced to a 431mm (17 in.) square outlet over a height of 4013mm
(13 ft.-2 in.) A 305mm (12 in.) screw feeder used an increase in flight
diameter, beginning near the back of the outlet and expanding from 152mm
to 305mm (6 in. to 12 in.) at the front of the outlet. The typical hot
lime feed rate is 14.5 tons per hour. (See Figure 1.) Note the
vibrator in the foreground on the hopper surface, along with one of the
high pressure air hoses used to clear pluggages.
Overall View
of Hot Lime Bin
Detail View
of Hopper and Feeder
Figure 1. Unmodified hot lime bin.
Beneath the feeder outlet was a 356mm (14 in.) diameter primary mixing
screw. The hot and fresh lime, after being fed separately into the mixing
screw, discharged into a 9° inclined slaker feed screw conveyor.
Mill management asked Jenike & Johanson,
Inc., a consulting firm specializing in bulk solids handling, to recommend
improvements to the system. First, they considered the problem of no-flow
from the hopper. Mill workers knew that the particle size of the hot lime
could vary up to 50mm (2 in.), although it was typically 6mm (1/4 in.)
or less. No-flow is often caused by the formation of an arch over the
hopper outlet. An interlocking arch occurs when large particles (relative
to the outlet size of the hopper) mechanically lock to form an obstruction.
A cohesive arch occurs when particles adhere to one another to form an
obstruction (see Figure 2).
Interlocking Arch
Cohesive Arch
Figure 2. Arching.
The likelihood of arch formation is greatly affected by the flow pattern
that develops in the hot lime bin during discharge. In funnel flow,
shown in Figure 3, the sloping hopper walls of a bin are not steep
enough and smooth enough for material to flow along them. Under these
conditions, an internal flow channel develops. As the level of material
in the bin decreases, layers of non-flowing material may not slide into
the flowing channel, which can result in a stable rathole. In addition,
funnel flow can cause caking, results in a first-in last-out flow sequence,
and increases the extent to which sifting segregation impacts the discharging
material. Funnel flow can also result in flooding of fine materials, due
to material falling into the active flow channel from the top surface
and becoming fluidized.
Flow Pattern
Stable Rathole
Figure 3. Funnel flow.
Figure 4. Mass flow.
Despite these typical problems, many bins in use are funnel flow, since
the discharge pattern is often not considered in the design process.
In mass flow, as shown in Figure
4, all of the material is in motion during withdrawal from the bin.
Mass flow bins provide first-in first-out flow sequence, eliminate stagnant
material, reduce sifting segregation, and provide a steady discharge with
a consistent bulk density. Mass flow also significantly reduces fine material
flooding during discharge. Requirements for achieving mass flow include
sizing the outlet large enough to prevent arching and ensuring that the
hopper is sufficiently smooth and steep enough to promote flow at the
Figure 5. Expanded flow.
A third type of flow pattern, called
expanded flow and shown in Figure 5, develops when a mass
flow hopper is placed beneath a funnel flow hopper. The mass flow hopper
activates a flow channel in the funnel flow hopper, the outlet of which
is large enough to prevent the formation of a stable rathole. The wall
angles of the funnel flow hopper can remain shallower than the angles
necessary for mass flow, significantly reducing the required headroom.
The mass flow hopper retains the benefits of discharging material with
a consistent bulk density while preventing flooding.
Analyzing the problem
To analyze the situation and redesign the bin hopper to reliably handle
the hot lime, the project team had to answer some basic questions via
flow property tests.
Hopper angle and smoothness:
The required steepness for mass flow depends on the friction that develops
between the particles and the hopper surface. This friction is measured
using a Jenike direct shear tester in accordance with ASTM D 6128 [1],
with small samples of material placed in a test cell and slid along wall
surfaces of interest. From the wall friction tests, engineers can determine
limiting hopper angles for mass flow by using a method developed by Dr.
Andrew Jenike [2]. Factors that can affect the results, including time
at rest, corrosion, abrasive wear and temperature, must be reproduced
during the tests. The mill team ran tests using a specially modified furnace
that allowed them to apply loads and make measurements externally (see
Figure 6).

Figure 6. Furnace testing apparatus and test cell.
Hopper outlet size:
To achieve mass flow, the outlet must be large enough to prevent arching. Mills can avoid interlocking arches by making sure that the outlet diameter is six to eight times the largest particle size in a circular opening. Cohesive arching can be analyzed by determining the cohesive strength of the material. These tests are also conducted using a Jenike direct shear tester. Consolidating forces are applied to material in a test cell and the force required to shear the material is measured. One can then calculate the minimum outlet sizes to prevent arching or ratholing (in funnel flow) using the theory developed by Jenike [2]. As before, conditions that can affect the results must be reproduced during the tests.
At the New Bern mill, flow property tests confirmed that funnel flow was occurring with the hot lime bin’s 40° (from vertical) conical hopper; tests showed that ratholing was likely for continuous flow conditions. The discharge pattern resulted in a very narrow flow channel forming above the outlet. This narrow channel made arching more likely due to its small size and the higher material pressures associated with funnel flow.
The flow channel was further narrowed due to the configuration of the feed screw auger. The smaller diameter flights did not allow for the full outlet width to be active. Stagnant material remained on either side the flights, which propagated up into the bin above and further increased the potential for flooding.
A new approach
To prevent the pluggage problems, the mill needed to convert at least
a portion of the hopper to mass flow, with a larger outlet size and shape.
Jenike & Johanson recommended that the existing cone be cut off at
the 2438mm (8 ft.) diameter and replaced with a mass flow transition hopper,
resulting in an expanded flow pattern. For this effort to be successful,
it was also necessary to replace the screw feeder with one properly designed
for mass flow so that the entire outlet would become active.
Jenike & Johanson selected a transition
hopper design with an outlet width of 737mm (29 in.), which is large enough
to overcome arching (determined by the tests). The transition hopper featured
vertical end walls, which are most conservative in promoting flow. The
side wall angle was selected based on the aforementioned wall friction
test results for 304 stainless steel in plate thickness with a cold rolled,
2B finish. Due to this critical requirement, the quality of finish plate
used to form the hopper had to be verified during the fabrication phase.
Jenike & Johanson chose a dual 356mm
(14 in.) mass flow screw feeder to provide the required activation of
the entire outlet of the new transition hopper. The augers were designed
to allow for an increase in capacity in the direction of feed; features
include a conical shaft section near the back of the screw, as well as
an expansion of pitch closer to the front of the screw. The screw flights
remain constant at 356mm (14 in.) in diameter, so as not to result in
a narrowing of the flow channel as was likely occurring with the existing
feeder. The hopper and feeder solution, in comparison to the previous
arrangement, is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Before and after hopper and feeder arrangements.
Some height compensation was required for the modified arrangement.
The mill installed a new inclined screw conveyor, approximately 7010mm
(23 ft.) in length, in place of the existing mixing and inclined slaker
conveyors. The fresh lime screw conveyor was able to remain in its current
position, with its discharge moved to mate with the new screw conveyor.
Getting up to speed
The mill implemented the changes to its hot lime feed system during a
14 day mill outage in 1999. The mill chose Jenike & Johanson to fabricate
the dual 356mm (14 in.) screw feeder, transition hopper, and a shutoff
gate. Jenike & Johanson also provided drawings for the plant modifications,
which included the cutting and attachment of a new flange on the exiting
cone and shortening of the fresh lime screw conveyor. After confirmation
with a structural review, cross bracing between the bin legs on one side
was removed (temporarily) to gain crane access to the area of construction.
First, workers dismantled and removed
the old equipment. They then cut and removed the lower cone section, and
prepared the remaining cone for installation of the new hopper (see Figure
Cross bracing removal
Lower cone removal
Figure 8. Bin modifications in progress.
The hopper mounting flange had to be level, which was made difficult
since the existing cone was not completely round. Once the hopper was
properly in place, the new screw feeder was lifted up and drifted into
position with a crane, chain falls and come-alongs. Workers added horizontal
support steel beneath the new screw feeder as well. The interface between
the new hopper and screw feeder is a slip fit with a heat resistant, fiberglass
gasket, which provides a reasonable seal against dust; however, use has
shown that some improvements in this arrangement can be made in future
The mixing and slaker feed conveyors were replaced, and the fresh lime
screw conveyor shortened as part of the installation. Installers fabricated
a chute to discharge fresh lime into the lead end of the new slaker feed
screw conveyor, just before the entry point of the hot lime from the new
screw feeder. Weyerhaeuser personnel executed the installation plan efficiently,
resulting in a flawless startup that was on time. Figure 9 shows
views of the final arrangement after the installation.
Side View - Showing Conveyors
End View
Figure 9. Modified hot lime bin.
The team has gained considerable experience with the new equipment since
its installation. The plant needed a way to isolate the metering screw
for maintenance. A solid gate mechanism was precluded early in the design
process because of clearance issues, expense, and fear that if not used
over time it might not be functional when needed. Jenike & Johanson proposed
a pin gate design that would induce bridging across the hopper outlet
and stop flow, which was included with the feeder as part of its supply.
The gate proved to be successful when it was used just a year after installation
to access the screw feeder for maintenance.
The initial design of the screw feeder housing was not robust enough for the severe duty and heat of hot lime service at the mill. Within months of start-up, the bottom of the feeder trough began to distort and crack along its seam. Maintenance executed some temporary repairs, and the feeder continued operation until the next shutdown. Meanwhile, Jenike & Johanson redesigned and provided a replacement trough. During a shutdown and the first opportunity to service the feeder, the trough was replaced, and there have been no further issues with it since. Some minor damage to the screws has been discovered over time. The first occurrence was caused by chunks of kiln brick that made it past the crusher, while the second occurrence was from a solid steel sounding weight, used to determine bin level, that fell and jammed the screws. Beyond the initial items noted, the new feed arrangement is still in operation, without any pluggages occurring in the bin. The video camera, monitor and sledge hammer that the old system required were gladly retired.
- "Standard Shear Testing Method for Bulk Solids Using the Jenike Shear
Cell," American Society of Testing Methods (ASTM), D 6128, 2000.
- Jenike, A.W.: Storage and Flow of Solids, University of Utah Engineering
Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 123, 1964.