Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board (SWMCB),
Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, USA with representatives of six
counties in that metropolitan area, is using its new campaign, “There’s
a Better Way,” to encourage businesses there to switch from disposable
to reusable transport packing.
Residents of the Twin Cities are producing more garbage each year, according
to a recent article published by The Business Journal, Minneapolis/St.
Paul, Minnesota, USA and the Environmental Protection Agency says Minnesota
will run out of space to dump it within the next five to 10 years. Companies
may be able to save money while being environmentally friendly, but
there is an upfront cost required to make the switch. THE SWMCB has
been studying garbage production of businesses and homes in the six
counties of that metro area for four years. They have found that garbage
in those counties contain 15% discarded cardboard boxes and wooden pallets
used for transporting products. The result is a SWMCB objective of reducing
waste in its region, starting in 2003, by 75,000 tons.
In The Business Journal report, Kevin McDonald, waste reduction team
leader at the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA), St.
Paul was quoted as saying that there are many reasons for companies
to implement a system of reusable transportation packaging (RTP), the
main reason is cost savings. One OEA report showed Tennant Co. in Golden
Valley invested $43,800 in RTP to achieve a savings of US$ 54,000 per
year. Much more information about this process is available at http://www.better-way.info.
Graphics gurus may compete for Smithsonian Institution exhibition.
Graphic design professionals and students across North America have
the opportunity to see their work hanging at the Smithsonian Institution
in Washington, D.C., in Spring 2003. Forty winning designs of the SMART
Papers Kite Contest will be shown at the Smithsonian beginning in late
March 2003. Kites do not need to be able to fly to win, but must be
graphically compelling. This is a rare opportunity for graphic design
professionals and design students to get their work exhibited in the
Smithsonian, one of the world’s most prestigious art and science institutions.
A panel of respected graphic design judges will pick 40 of the most
creative designs based on a well-executed solution, innovation in aesthetics
and materials and presentation. Entries must be postmarked by February
3, 2003. Only electronic or hard copy images of the kites are needed
for the initial round of judging. All finalists will be required to
present a physical kite with struts for display at the Smithsonian’s
Arts and Industries Building. There are separate categories for graphic
design professionals and design students.
Premium papermaker SMART Papers is the lead sponsor of the 37th Annual
Smithsonian Kite Festival to be held on Washington’s National Mall on
March 22, 2003. The top 10 winners and one guest each will be treated
to air travel and accommodations in Washington for the Smithsonian Kite
Festival and Cherry Blossom Festival. The trip will take place March
20 to March 23, 2003.
There is a nonrefundable $20 entry and processing fee for design professionals;
for students, the nonrefundable fee is $10. For details on contest rules
and designing the kite, go to www.smartpapers.com/kite.
Greenhouse gas emissions measurable with new internationally-developed
tool. The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA),
Washington D.C., USA and the International Council of Forest and Paper
Associations (ICFPA), Geneva, Switzerland, in association with the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the World
Resources Institute (WRI) today announced the development of a methodology
for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from pulp and paper mills.
The calculation tool will serve as a simple unified industry approach
to emissions accounting.
"The development of this innovative calculation tool is another
example of the forest products industry taking the worldwide lead in
developing simple, transparent methods to calculate greenhouse gas emissions,”
said W. Henson Moore, AF&PA president and chief executive officer.
“The tool can be used on any scale, from determining emissions
from a specific mill, from a specific company, or for our industry as
AF&PA and other global forest and paper associations in ICFPA began
developing the tool in early 2001. It is based on protocols previously
developed by WRI and the WBCSD, and was peer reviewed and endorsed by
their project, the GHG Protocol. It is available through their web site,
"This process provides a model for other industry associations
developing sector-specific greenhouse gas calculation tools," said
Jonathan Lash, WRI president. "We welcome other industry sectors
to continue collaborating with the GHG Protocol to expand this international
accounting standard.”
The collaborating institutions recommend that governments and other
organizations recognize the tool they developed as the appropriate method
for calculating greenhouse gas emissions for pulp and paper mills. Other
industry sectors, including cement and aluminum, have recently adopted
similar methodologies utilizing the GHG Protocol to calculate total
industry as well as factory specific emissions.