Three easy steps for gathering intelligence at trade shows, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, July 2003

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Three Easy Steps for Gathering Intelligence at Trade Shows

CI professionals onsite + a trained booth staff = the primary data that produces strategic advantage.

by Anne Barron, ABComm, Ltd.

Most competitive intelligence (CI) professionals understand the importance of using trade shows to gather primary market intelligence on key competitors and to measure and evaluate their company’s marketing presence against that of others.

Despite this understanding, these same CI professionals have major concerns that need to be addressed. Specifically:
  • How can I convince my company I should regularly attend key industry shows or that, at a minimum, someone at the show should be tasked with being our "eyes and ears?"
  • How do I get senior management to read my reports and act on the information I provide?
The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) provides convincing evidence that the CI function is vital to any effective exhibit/marketing activity. CEIR has been studying trade and consumer shows for more than 20 years. Recent CEIR reports (available at reveal why trade and consumer shows are ideal for gathering primary data. For example:
  • The majority of exhibitors use trade shows to announce and launch new products, mergers & acquisitions, etc. Many of these announcements don’t get media coverage. By attending, you can get this information immediately instead of waiting months for an article to appear in an industry publication—if it appears at all.
  • 50% of attendees are looking for NEW solutions and suppliers. Therefore, they tend to be eager to answer questions and take part in surveys if they feel it will help your company come up with a solution that will address their needs.
  • 34% of attendees are presidents, owners, or executives who can make decisions and purchases. These people are usually quite hard to get access to during office hours. You have an excellent opportunity to personally meet them at shows and get their perspective.
  • 84% of attendees play a role in decision-making. Almost everyone you meet at a trade show will be knowledgeable.
  • 60% of attendees are there for the first time. They can provide you with new people/organizations to contact.
  • Media and analysts attend trade shows. You can develop a face-to-face relationship with the people who keep tabs on your industry.
Ask management key questions
Not convincing enough? Then ask senior management a few key questions:
  • What return on investment are we getting with our trade show program?
  • Are you confident that our booth staff knows how to identify competitors who stop by? If so,
  • How do booth staffers currently deal with competitors at the booth?
  • What bits of information do booth staffers gather from our competitors who visit our booth?
  • How do booth staffers report and document information they learn from competitors?
  • Are you concerned that some of our staff may unwittingly share corporate intelligence with our competitors?
  • What steps have been taken to ensure that the booth design, layout, and messaging is accessible to prospects, customers, and visitors, yet inaccessible to competitors?
The three-step process
In most cases, the answers to the above questions should raise enough serious consideration that you will be asked to have a larger participation at upcoming shows. But once you’ve got the green light, you will have to effectively use trade shows in the CI program, and the best way to do that is to follow three key steps of exhibit marketing.

Step 1. Plan a successful CI program for each trade show: Often, exhibitors set unrealistic expectations. They try to do too much with very limited resources. I recommend that you plan to monitor no more than five key competitors.

You also need to identify up to five key pieces of information you want to gather, how you will gather it, when you will gather it, and who will gather it. Be sure to check the exhibitor manual or consult with show management for rules and regulations to determine what you may and may not do.

Step 2. Train your staff: CEIR studies indicate that a whopping 85% of exhibitors do not train their booth staff. Most employees do not know what’s expected of them. Most don’t know who their key competitors are.

Your booth staff needs to be trained to identify all visitors before positioning and presenting your company’s marketing/sales message. Staffers must be trained to ask the right questions and taught how to control the conversation. That way, they’ll be listening and, therefore, less likely to share corporate intelligence with competitors.

If you have limited resources, you will also want to train staff attending the convention on what, how, when, where, why, and who should be gathering information. Nothing is more frustrating than to see several people from the same organization attending the same seminar. They should split up to cover as many sessions as possible! They should also be enlightened about ethical practices at trade shows.

Here are a few techniques to use:
  • Visit a competitor’s booth during busy times if you want to gather passive information.
  • Visit a competitor’s booth during quiet times (usually towards the end of day, lunchtime, etc,) if you want to ask direct questions.
  • Always identify yourself.
  • Control the interview by asking questions.
  • Attend conference sessions and networking events.
  • Stay in the conference hotel and use conference transit, if provided, instead of cabs.
Each day, your team should meet to review what it has gathered, what is left to be gathered, any problems that have been encountered, and any interesting trends or observations.

Step 3. Gather, analyze, and share: Data are not knowledge. Data become knowledge through interpretation. Before you arrive at a show, you must establish simple, consistent techniques to gather information. This information must then be documented, analyzed, summarized and reported.

What does the information mean? What strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTS) does it identify? What recommendations can you make based on the SWOTS? Once you’ve analyzed the data, prepare reports tailored to each audience and share the information and your observations in a format that your intended audience can use.

When you follow these simple practices, trade shows can provide a wealth of opportunities to gather current, primary intelligence. They should be a major component of any CI program.

The Benefits of Trade Show CI

You’ll be amazed at the information and trends you can unearth at trade shows. Consider the following examples:

Exhibitor A was able to identify that, while a key competitor had a major presence in the U.S., its international presence was very poor. “A” was able to take advantage of this intelligence and gain valuable international market share.

Exhibitor B was able to identify that a key competitor, by putting an aggressive media campaign in place several months prior to the show, reaped impressive results delivered by the campaign.

Exhibitor C was able to identify that a key competitor was getting ready to enter a new market and could be a potential threat to future market share. Result: “C” had a year to prepare counter-moves.

Exhibitor D’s trained booth staff were able to identify that a key competitor sent several people “fishing.” When D’s booth staffers attempted to “turn” the conversation to gather their own CI, the competitors quickly left and didn’t return!

Related Reading

Shaker, Steven M. and George Kardulias (1996) "Scoring at Conferences: The Quarterback Technique for Gathering Intelligence," Competitive Intelligence Review, 7(4), Winter, pp 4-10. Online at (vol. 7, no. 4).

Prior, Vernon (1996) "Trade Shows and Exhibitions: The Intelligence Gatherer’s Cornucopia," Competitive Intelligence Review, 7(4), Winter, pp.77-78. Online at vol. 7, no. 4).

About the author:
Anne Barron, President, ABComm Ltd., is a Certified Manager of Exhibits (CME) and an internationally respected authority on exhibit management and marketing. Barron is a popular speaker and has published numerous articles for tradeshow publications and newsletters around the world. She is the co-author of the exhibit marketing tips book "Still More Secrets of Successful Exhibiting."

This article first appeared in SCIP’s "Competitive Intelligence Magazine"

For additional information on ABComm, please contact Anne Barron at 1069 Arnot Road, Ottawa ON K2C 0H5. Phone: 613-224-0447. Fax 613-224-3826. E-mail: Visit:

Author: Barron, A.
Three easy steps for gathering intelligence at trade shows,
Three easy steps for gathering intelligence at trade shows, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, July 2003

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