World record tissue machine is running in China, Solutions! December 2004, Vol. 87(12) (111KB)

In many areas, China has begun to follow hard on the heels of Western industrial nations, with some companies now already in the fast lane. One example is Chinese sanitary paper producer Gold Hong Ye, where the world’s fastest tissue machine is running.

China is a promising market in more than one respect. Its huge population—nearing 1.3 billion—and strong economic growth will lead to rapid expansion in the tissue market.

Annual growth rates for tissue consumption of up to 14% have brought China to the forefront of the global tissue market. Since the early 1990s, Chinese tissue production has increased five-fold. China is second to the United States in production and consumption even though per capita Chinese consumption is only 2.1 kg per year. U.S. per capita consumption is 24 kg while Western European countries average 13.6 kg.

Since household and sanitary paper consumption is closely linked to the standard of living, per capita consumption in the well-todo coastal regions—especially in and around Shanghai and Beijing—is considerably higher (up to 7.5 kg). In the poorer regions in southwest and northwest China, per capita consumption is 1 kg and less.

Author: Edelmayer, R.
World record tissue machine is running in China, Solutions!
World record tissue machine is running in China, Solutions! December 2004, Vol. 87(12) (111KB)

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