Automatic Servo Postitioned Air Knife Systems for Optimal Cast Film Quenching, 2005 PLACE Conference
It could very well be that the days of cast film manufacturers running the same product day after day without changeover are fast becoming a thing of the past. With demands increasing for more custom blends, bringing new products to market and shorter runs, the film industry has seen a need for quicker changeover between products, less down time, less set up time and the ability to obtain spec on a product in less time from start up. One response to this demand is an innovative new servo positioned air knife system with enhanced manual features as well, that has been developed to help address these issues by providing multiple axis position repeatability, stable air pressure and velocity, consistent air temperature control and more user friendly set up. These features have all been combined into one system that provides optimal cast film quenching as well as gentle pressure to lay the film smoothly on the chill roll and minimize the entrapped air layer between the film and the chill roll with superior repeatability over traditional air knives. This paper will examine these and other features and list expected benefits.