A Comparison Of Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Methods For Random and Systematic Uncertainty, 2014 PEERS Conference
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In Pulp and Paper mill wastewater treatment plants, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and total suspended solid (TSS) parameters are often subject to regulation by set discharge limits. These discharge limits are applicable to a mill’s final effluent and are required to be measured and reported using a regulatory agency’s approved analysis method. To calculate BOD5, dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured by using one of the following accepted analysis methods – the Winkler Titration procedure, Clark Cell Electrode, or Luminescent Based Optode at the start and end of the five day incubation period. Flaws or deficiencies associated with different analyses methods can affect the productivity of mill-wide operations. Due to the responsibility that regulatory discharge limits create for mill wastewater treatment plants, it is prudent to determine the measurement deficiencies prior to changing test methods.