Surface application of cellulose nanofibrils to fine paper using different base sheet freeness levels, PaperCon2017

Cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) have been shown to increase paper strength when added internally to paper. CNF can also be added to the surface of the sheet at the wet end with a slot coater, curtain coater, or secondary headbox. Surface application of CNF can greatly enhance surface and barrier properties of paper for fine papers and brown grades.

his work describes the surface application of CNF to a fine paper grade, using a slot coater. Different base paper freeness levels were used, adding CNF processed to various fines levels. At a given freeness level, adding CNF to the surface will increase surface properties such as porosity, but some machine runnability characteristics will be adversely affected. The data shows that targeted surface properties can be reached by adding surface CNF to base papers at different freeness levels. Using a base sheet with a higher freeness level can result in improvement in certain machine runnability characteristics, including higher press solids, lower shrinkage, and lower vacuum demand.  

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Author: Donna A. Johnson and Mark A. Paradis
Surface application of cellulose nanofibrils to fine paper u
Surface application of cellulose nanofibrils to fine paper using different base sheet freeness levels, PaperCon 2017

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