A New Era in Mill Analytics, 19PaperCon
We live in an age of accessible information. Between pocket-sized smartphones, google, and wikipedia, we can almost instantly find answers to any question. Who has not asked Alexa the last Baseball Series Champion to settle a dinner debate? However, it has not always been that way. Especially at the mills, users have relied on "sneaker-net" to find basic answers to their questions. Today, technology has made democratized the access to information. It is changing more than just dinner conversations; it is setting the stage to true digitalization and revolutionizing industries.
Every pulp and paper mill faces the same challenge: optimizing production at the lowest possible cost. Decisions, such as rationalizing grade structures and enabling the supply chain to respond to shorter product life cycles, can have a critical impact on the bottom line. It can also mean the difference between efficient operations or shuttering the doors.
This paper will cover a progressive approach to adopting mill analytics at different levels of operations. As technology evolves, so operators, engineers, subject matter experts, and managers will evolve in its adoption and application. Following a crawl-walk-run model helps to remove the barriers of adoption and ensures success.
The proposed approach is simple, begin with visual analytics, use self-service access to information, apply data mining principles, and finally adopt advanced tools to predict desirable states of operations.
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