Characterization of chia plant (Salvia hispanica) for pulping, TAPPI Journal October 2020

Application: Chemical, morphological and anatomical properties of the chia plant were presented for the first time. Pulping of the chia plant by FA/PFA process showed promising results. It can be a potential substitute for wood in countries with a scarcity of wood logs and provides additional income for farmers.

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Author: Taslima Ferdous, M.A. Quaiyyum, Kazi M. Yasin Arafat, and M. Sarwar Jahan
Characterization of chia plant (Salvia hispanica) for pulpin
ABSTRACT: In this paper, chia plant was characterized in terms of chemical, morphological, and anatomical properties. Chia plant was characterized with low a-cellulose (30.5%); moderate lignin (23.2%) with syringyl to guaiacyl ratio of 1.41; and shorter fiber length (0.67 mm) with thinner cell wall (1.91 µm) and good flexibility coefficient (71.44). Anatomical features showed that chia plant consists of vessels, fibers, parenchyma cells, and collenchyma cells. Chia plant pulping was evaluated in soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) and formic acid/peroxyformic acid (FA/PFA) processes. Chia plant was difficult to delignify in the alkaline process. The FA/PFA process produced higher pulp yield at the same kappa number than the soda-AQ process. Unbleached soda-AQ chia pulp exhibited good properties in terms of tensile, bursting, and tearing strengths, even at the unrefined stage, due to high drainability of the pulps. Alkaline peroxide bleached FA/PFA pulp exhibited better papermaking properties and 2% higher brightness than the D0(EP)D1 bleached soda-AQ pulp.

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