Preparation of Water Redispersible Nanocellulose through Interfering Fibre-to-Fibre Interaction: the Effect of Adsorption of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides onto Fibre Surfaces , TAPPICon22
Nanocellulose serves as a promising candidate to replace petroleum-based materials due to their unique properties,
e.g., high mechanical properties and biodegradability etc. However, the energy-intensive production process and highwater
content of nanocellulose during transportation severely limits its application on a large scale. To address it, in
this study, the effects of the addition of water-soluble polysaccharides (PS) on energy consumption and redispersibility
of nanocellulose production were investigated here.
Adding PS enables homogenization at a higher solid content of 1.5 wt% compared at a maximum of 0.4 wt%
without adding PS. Nevertheless, the fibrillation degree of fibres was increased particularly when
carboxymethylated-galactoglucomannan (cm-GGM) was used. The tensile strength and optical transmittance of the
nanocellulose films obtained by a casting method increased to 116 MPa and 77% with added PS during
homogenization compared to those of 62 MPa and 74% without PS, respectively. Redispersibility of thus-prepared
nanocellulose was investigated in terms of size distribution, morphology, and redispersibility. Collectively, adding
water-soluble polysaccharides, in particular cm-GGM, enables a promising large-volume production of redispersible
nanocellulose at a high consistency with less energy-consumption.
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