Corrugated Containers Waste Management Series: DVD 3

Waste from Stops and Order Changes
This 33 minute DVD focuses on how boxplants can control waste from corrugator stops and order changes. It examines how operators can determine the frequency, length and causes of stops, and how they can take corrective action to minimize these stops. Then, after reviewing the types of order changes, the video explores the causes of order change waste at both the wet and dry ends of the corrugator, and recommends ways to reduce this kind of waste.

A Walk Through a Boxplant
During this 14 ½ minute tape, an analyst shows a boxplant manager all the areas where corrugated waste is commonly generated – from the unloading dock to the wet end, dry end and flexo folder-gluer. He then suggests solutions to common problems and ways to avoid typical mistakes so boxplants can reduce controllable waste and save money.

Waste from Bonding Problems I & II
This two part course focuses on how to reduce waste that results from bonding problems. Part 1, 27 minutes in length, covers the fundamentals of the bonding process as well as how to identify and solve the causes of bond defects related to paper and adhesive. Part II, 32 minutes in length, examines the role of the application system and heat in the bonding process. It covers proper machine adjustments, operating procedures, troubleshooting and testing. It also examines bond problems related to machinery and operating practices and specifies ways to correct them.

Member: $495 List: $695


Corrugated Containers Waste Management Series: DVD3
Corrugated Containers Waste Management Series: DVD 3
Nonmember price: 250.00
Member price: 200.00
You could save: 20.0%

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