Global Market Trends for Laminates, 1995 European Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Proceedings

Karin Knuppen

Laves Chemie Consulting

The paper based laminates, melamine film, paper foil and high pressure laminate are widely used for the surface finishing of particle board and other substrates. However, the competing non-paper based materials wood veneer, pigmented lacquer and thermoplastic films also account for a substantial share in surface finishing. The trend is not only influenced by price, mechanical and chemical resistance and design/colour, but also by ecological and emotional factors which play an important role in the consumer’s decision.

From a global point of view, the development of the laminate’s market is positive in absolute terms as well as versus non-paper-based surface materials. Demand for laminated furniture will further increase, as well as other applications of laminated board in the building industry. Melamine film shows best growth prospects. A special contribution comes from new applications like floorings and geographically from East Asia.

Author: Knuppen, K.
Global Market Trends for Laminates, 1995 European Polymers,
Global Market Trends for Laminates, 1995 European Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Proceedings

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