Driving Forces for Change in the 1990's, 1991 International Mechanical Pulping Conference Proceedings

The 1990’s will be a decade of unprecedented change for mechanical pulping and mechanical paper grades. Groundwood, while still ideal for SC and coated papers, will significantly decline in its life cycle. Deink pulping will rival TMP as the process choice for newsprint. Improved paper qualities and significant reductions in manufacturing costs will be achieved as paper companies strive to improve their competitive position; ensure a profitable niche; react to competing media improvements like high definition television (HDTV); and adopt technical breakthroughs in papermaking, coating, finishing, etc.

Author: Hostetter, D.W.
Driving Forces for Change in the 1990's, 1991 International
Driving Forces for Change in the 1990's, 1991 International Mechanical Pulping Conference Proceedings

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