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My TAPPI Story: Rory Wolf
100% substitution of chlorine dioxide to replace chlorine is now a well-known technique very efficient to produce high quality and full brightness kraft pulps while decreasing the impact on the environment. New reglementations are being implemented all over the world and they will result in process changes in the bleach plant. With more stringent regulations concerning AOX, ECF bleaching sequences with chlorine dioxide have to be optimized in order to respect these new regulations. Different ways to increase ClO2 efficiency and to reduce AOX formation have already been described : - Multi-step Process with high/low pH techniques (1) - Decrease of the kappa factor and use of H2 O2 (2,3) The objective of our study was to investigate the effect of different variables on the efficiency of the ClO2 stage and to see which way can be the most efficient to reduce AOX levels.
Experience the Power of Publications in the 2024 TAPPI Press Catalog
Sponsored by the Recovery Boiler Program R&D Subcommittee of the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and published by TAPPI Press.
The best-selling text to introduce the entire technology of pulp and paper manufacture.
A project of the Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee.
TAPPI Press offers some of the most in-depth resources and references for the forest products and related industries.
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