U. S. Pulp and Paper Industry Problems with the European Union Ecolabel for Paper Products, 1996 Life Cycle Assessment Symposium Proceedings
Amy Schafer
American Forest and Paper Association
The European Union has been developing a series of ecolabels to address numerous products found in the European marketplace. The directive of the EU is that the product-specific ecolabels be based on life-cycle thinking, including the full range of activities associated with the product. So far, ecolabel criteria have been issued for a number of different products from washing machines to laundry detergents. It has also issued an ecolabel criteria for tissue products and kitchen towel and has proposed a set of criteria for so-called “fine paper.” This talk will offer the perspectives of the American Forest and Paper Association’s members regarding the issued and proposed ecolabel criteria for paper products. Of particular note will be the lack of transparency, sound scientific data, and trade issues which have arisen in regard to the criteria.