Partnership Between Central and Local Information Systems Groups, 1993 Process Control, Electrical & Information Conference Proceedings
Dan Rogers
Benjy James
A partnership is developing between central MIS and mill I/S groups within Bowater Incorporated. Boundaries are blurring as the need for integration of process, quality, production, financial, and customer information increases. Business conditions have made this integration necessary, and technological advances have allowed it. Wide area networks made the dissemination of information possible; reductions in hardware cost made it feasible; and advances in database design and analytical tools made it worthwhile.
This type of teamwork is evolving across the paper industry. Traditionally, interaction between the central and mill I/S organizations was at best limited, and often adversarial. The mainframe molded the first information groups into very centralized MIS departments. Their usual proximity to the corporate office insured an emphasis on financial and marketing applications. However, the advent of minicomputers, distributed control systems, and local area networks allowed the creation of mill I/S groups with a goal of immediate response to mill management. These differing focuses often precluded meaningful cooperation. However, as their missions increasingly overlap, barriers are being removed and partnerships dedicated to meeting the information needs of the organization are being forged.