Data to Information to Knowledge: Engineering Solutions to Power Management Problems, 1997 Process Control, Electrical & Info. Conference Proceedings
Industrial, commercial, institutional and utility facilities are relying on sophisticated power monitoring and control systems to manage electric power. The systems provide vast amounts of raw data which must be converted into power management solutions to drive improved productivity and lower costs. The conversion process, as prescribed in this presentation, is summarized as data to information to knowledge. In this process, raw data is collected by monitoring devices. This raw data must be presented in an information format which reveals the power system problems and facilitates data analysis. Finally, knowledge must be applied to interpret the information and apply the most cost-effective solution. Successful solutions require engineering expertise at all phases of the monitoring process. Experienced power management engineers must set up the devices to collect the appropriate raw data. This step is often overlooked, to the eventual dismay of power system users trying to resolve a problem without key data. Next, the raw data needs to be compiled, arranged in an information format, and presented so as to communicate the specific power system issues related to the problem. This step requires an understanding of how and where the data was collected, and experience in data analysis and solution alternatives. Finally, the proper application of engineering knowledge will assure that the power problem is corrected quickly and efficiently. This knowledge cannot be limited to individual pieces of hardware or components, but rather must reflect a system perspective -- from utility generation and distribution to customer loads and usage patterns. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is contributing to this knowledge base in a newly-approved document. Standard 1159-1995, the Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality, was published in November 1995. The recommended practice defines the electromagnetic phenomena which cause power quality problems, and suggests approved methods for measuring the disturbances and interpreting the results. The document has an extensive bibliography and reference sections which direct interested users to more information. This presentation provides an overview of the data to information to knowledge process. It further demonstrates some examples of solutions identified by Square D Power Management Services engineers. Finally, the presentation introduces the IEEE Standard 1159-1995 and describes its contribution to the data to information to knowledge process. Larry Ray was technical editor of IEEE 1159-1995, and now serves as its chair. He is also secretary of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee on Power Quality, SCC-22.