CCD Camera Defect Detection Systems: The State of the Art, 1997 Process Control, Electrical & Info. Conference Proceedings
There is a growing requirement to inspect 100 percent of the paper made on some machines for visual defects. Recent technology advances including Charge Coupled Device (CCD) cameras connected to high performance computer workstations are able to capture and report the grayscale pictures of the defects manufacturers consider important. Once captured, defect information is merged into mill information management systems so that timely and effective decisions regarding quality and productivity can be made.
This paper addresses the practical considerations regarding selection and utilization of this technology. The impact of lighting, camera selection, sheet width, and machine speed on the ability of a CCD camera system to detect, classify, and display the defect to the manufacturer are discussed. The features, functions, and capabilities of a state of the art system are presented to show the advantages Honeywell & Isys Controls bring to the pulp and paper market with this technology.