New Service Concepts in Quality Measurement and Control System Maintenance, 1998 Process Control, Electrical & Info. Conference Proceedings
The function of the Quality Measurement and Control Systems Service is changing as new generation systems are becoming more reliable and modular, as well as designed for simple maintenance. The traditional service technician function to fix the gauging system hardware for high percentage system availability is more and more changing to one of optimizing the process for lower process variability and higher quality results.
Because of this transformation, the skills requirements for the service technicians are rapidly changing. Hardware skills to fix complicated electro-mechanical parts are required less and less. Instead, more expertise in troubleshooting the process, understanding the fundamentals of measurement and control, finding cause effect relationships, reporting of results along with communications skills are taking more importance. This paper explores the nature of modern service concepts. The utilization of CD-ROM’s, remote diagnostics, Internet and other multi-media tools are noted. Process audit, performance optimization tools, tuning requirements are discussed.