Catalog of Stock Preparation and Secondary Fiber Pilot Plants, 1992 Papermakers Conference Proceedings
In 1987, the TAPPI Stock Preparation Committee published a Catalog of Stock Prep Pilot Plants, as a convenience to the industry in locating available facilities for research projects. This catalog is due for its regular update, and is also being revised to include substantially more information, and in particular, to also include pilot plants which are capable of processing secondary fiber. The current revision is being conducted jointly between the TAPPI Secondary Fiber Committee and the TAPPI Stock Preparation Committee. Pilot plant operators will be requested to furnish information regarding the type and scale of their facilities, which will be summarized in the new Catalog.
Pilot plants typically have mill scale or near mill scale equipment, and process stock under conditions similar to those found in paper mills. Processing rates are typically 5-50 tons per day. They are normally used to evaluate new furnishes, process chemistries, unit operation sequences, and operating conditions under controlled conditions.