Pressurized Deinking Module, 1990 Pulping Conference Proceedings

Developments in deinking technology now enable deinking mills to produce a very high quality deinked pulp with properties similar to those of virgin pulp. The Pressurized Deinking Module, or PDM as we call it, is one of these major developments in deinking technology.

Conventionally flotation deinking has been carried out in flotation cells which operate in normal atmospheric conditions. The PDM is the first flotation cell which operates under pressurized conditions. The application of pressure can improve the flotation process in a number of ways. First a better quality deinked pulp can be produced. Secondly the sealed nature of this flotation cell gives improved runnability with a pressurized level control and pressurized rejects treatment. This sealed cell can also eliminate any potential air pollution problems.

In this paper we will review the technical development of the PDM and the application of Pressurized Flotation Deinking in deinking mills.

Author: Carroll, W.P., McCool, M.A.
Pressurized Deinking Module, 1990 Pulping Conference Proceed
Pressurized Deinking Module, 1990 Pulping Conference Proceedings

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