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My TAPPI Story: Rory Wolf
More than half the area classified as timberland in the United States is dominated by hardwood species. Statistics compiled during the latest assessment of U. S. timber supplies show that hardwood inventories are now at their highest levels in more than 50 years. Although future projections indicate that hardwood inventories will continue to build slowly for the next two decades, the abundance of inventory volume must be qualified by availability problems related to accessibility, marketability, and owner objectives. Removals of hardwoods for fuelwood and pulpwood have increased markedly since the mid-1970’s. Demand for hardwoods for these and other products is expected to accelerate as softwood supplies become more scarce. Increased demand for small-diameter and poor-quality hardwoods offers an opportunity to improve the resource.
Experience the Power of Publications in the 2024 TAPPI Press Catalog
Sponsored by the Recovery Boiler Program R&D Subcommittee of the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and published by TAPPI Press.
The best-selling text to introduce the entire technology of pulp and paper manufacture.
A project of the Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee.
TAPPI Press offers some of the most in-depth resources and references for the forest products and related industries.
Available for Purchase – Conference Proceedings
TAPPI maintains a record of key conference papers, presentations, and other conference publications, available for purchase in a variety of formats.