Wood and How it Relates to the Paper Products, 1995 Pulping Conference Proceedings

A. W. Rudie

Inst. of Paper Sci.

Wood quality does influence the performance of paper and there are other “quality” issues to consider besides cost. The most obvious issue, and the one under reasonable control in most mills, is the ratio of hardwood to softwood pulp used in the paper or paperboard products. Wood species, wood age, and wood density control the shape of the fibers, their performance in the paper product, and ultimately, influence customer satisfaction with the product. This paper will review some of the contributions wood makes to paper performance and performance problems, and will attempt to highlight some of the issues in trying to satisfy the mill accountants, pulp mill manager, paper mill manager, converting operations, and the end user – all at the same time.

Author: Rudie, A.W.
Wood and How it Relates to the Paper Products, 1995 Pulping
Wood and How it Relates to the Paper Products, 1995 Pulping Conference Proceedings

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