Market Forces - Legislative and Regulatory
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This panel will discuss legislative, regulatory, and policy trends at the state, federal, and international levels and how they are expected to impact the recycled paper industry.
Ms. Alig, an economist with FPL, will report on recent legislative developments in the 50 states, addressing issues such as flow control, recycled content in newsprint, state recycling goals, state agency procurement, etc. She will analyze trends in state legislation and discuss how state laws impact the recycled paper market.
Ms. Arnold, a recycling specialist in EPA’s Office of Solid Waste, will discuss EPA’s revised recycled paper guidelines. The agency expect to release the guidelines for public review in late January or early February 1995. They will be issued as a Recycled Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN). Ms. Arnold, who authored the document, will explain EPA’s intent behind the RMAN, and she will discuss how the government will use these recommendations to buy recycled paper in the future. Like EPA’s 1988 paper guideline, this document is expected to have a profound impact on the paper industry.
Mr. Stanley, a paper industry specialist at the Department of Commerce, will talk about international activities affecting the recycled paper industry, including NAFTA, GATT, and the Ecolabel movement. He will also discuss how the Commerce Department is working with the paper industry and foreign governments to open markets in other countries, such as Japan and the Soviet Union.