TAPPI Presentation, 1990 TAPPI Conference Proceedings

Today I am going to present and describe automatic end capping of fiber cores. Traditionally we all know that this is an area which is very labor intensive and where all individual operations are made manually. The history behind where and when metal end capping was born is not known but we do know that it started approx. 20 - 25 years ago in North America. From North America to Europe, the metal end tips took a quick turn and have never been accepted over there. However, a few number of paper mills in United Kingdom are still using metal end tips. Before fiber cores, steel cores have been used for many years in the paper industry, but due to increased cost and increased flexibility demands, steel cores are not used frequently in paper mills compared to fiber cores.

TAPPI Presentation, 1990 TAPPI Conference Proceedings
TAPPI Presentation, 1990 TAPPI Conference Proceedings

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