Decision Tree Logic for Pressure Re-Rating Paper Machine Dryers, 2001 Engineering / Finishing & Converting Conference Proceedings
M. D. Moskal--Most paper companies consider increasing the pressure rating on in-service steam heated dryers. However, the
complex steps in this procedure involve interpretation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the
National Board Inspection Code, approvals by insurance carriers and jurisdictional authorities, as well as careful
inspection and post-Alteration tests. Users and consultants alike often perform a costly, time-consuming analysis of
dryers in the re-rating process, only to determine that they have not considered key elements of the evaluation. This
paper describes a logical procedure for re-rating dryers to a higher pressure. Using the decision tree sequence, one
can determine as early as possible in the process whether re-rating will be successful. Use of the sequence reduces
time and cost expended during the process and minimizes the chance that a critical step will be overlooked.