Emission Point Survey, 1992 Environmental Conference Proceedings

Existing regulations require most air emission points at pulp and paper mills to be permitted and meet stringent standards. ’New laws will require all significant emission points for conventional pollutants to be permitted and meet specific limits. New laws on hazardous air pollutants may require permitting of small sources of hazardous air pollutants and focus new attention on all emission points. Management demands that all operations be fully permitted and in compliance with all laws and permit requirements. In these circumstances, an inventory of all possible emission points and pollutants is a necessity.

This paper covers the procedure used in our initial study to identify all the significant emission points at a reasonable cost. A thorough survey first identified every stack, vent, and exhaust. Then a screening method was used to identify types of pollutants at representative emission points. The procedure contains steps to eliminate unnecessary testing and reduce the quantity of points that must be considered. Further testing for specific pollutants is limited to the significant emission points determined by this study.

Author: Adams Jr., W.S., Trivedi, U.
Emission Point Survey, 1992 Environmental Conference Proceed
Emission Point Survey, 1992 Environmental Conference Proceedings

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