Beneficial Use of Primary Sludge from a Recycle/TMP Newsprint Mill-A Case Study, 1996 Environmental Conference Proceedings

Smurfit Newsprint. Oregon City Division, has been land applying primary sludge for beneficial USC since 1981. In 1992, a formal “Sludge Management Plan” was written and submitted to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The management plan has since been added to our NPDES permit and now provides uniform procedures for maintaining an environmentally sound and effective program. Agronomic benefits associated with land applying primary newsprint sludge include increased soil organic matter and increased soil pH. Key management factors for land applying primary sludge include determination of appropriate application rates for the sludge. as well as supplemental nitrogen required for decomposition of the sludge. An experimental field trial was conducted over two crop rotations in 1994 and 1995 to address these questions. Results from the study, as well as subsequent operational sites, indicated that 95 kg/m 2 (50 dt/ac) is an appropriate sludge application rate and that I.8 pounds of supplemental N per dry ton of sludge should be applied following sludge application.

Author: Field, G., Carroll, B., Fasth, W.
Beneficial Use of Primary Sludge from a Recycle/TMP Newsprin
Beneficial Use of Primary Sludge from a Recycle/TMP Newsprint Mill-A Case Study, 1996 Environmental Conference Proceedings

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