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My TAPPI Story: Rory Wolf
Vastly improved film surface tension values were achieved using elevated corona treater roll temperatures in the production of BOPP film with a coextruded skin layer designed for subsequent metallization. These film surface tension values did not significantly decrease with time. Optimizing these corona treater process variables, a new propylene/butene- 1 copolymer was coextruded as the metallizing layer in the BOPP film construction. When metallized, this film provided improved barrier to water vapor transmission by a factor of 5:1 when compared to a similar film produced with a propylene/ethylene copolymer as the metallizing layer. Stringent analysis of the surface of the propylenebutene copolymer revealed that a unique smoothness of its surface enhanced the barrier properties of the film after metallizing. The surface of the ethylene/propylene copolymer was considerably more rough.
Experience the Power of Publications in the 2024 TAPPI Press Catalog
Sponsored by the Recovery Boiler Program R&D Subcommittee of the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and published by TAPPI Press.
The best-selling text to introduce the entire technology of pulp and paper manufacture.
A project of the Yankee Dryer Safety & Reliability Committee.
TAPPI Press offers some of the most in-depth resources and references for the forest products and related industries.
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